Month: June 2012

The Revd Canon C.W. Mullen, Saint John Baptist Day xxx

He must grow greater; I must become less… These words were spoken about Jesus by John the Baptist when he was asked about the relationship between the two. John made it clear that he was the forerunner, and that Jesus was the Messiah. Consider this: It’s not mere coincidence that John the Baptist’s feast day… Read more »

The Very Revd Gregory Dunstan, Luke Ch. 3 v 7 – 18 xxx

“I will baptise you with water” “He will baptise you with wind and fire” – said John, thinking of the newly threshed grain tossed into the air, the wind-blown husks swept into a corner and burned. God’s judgement is a great sifting, a great separation of substance from appearance; of solid worth from emptiness. John… Read more »