Month: May 2016

The Cathedral Tower xxx

Rising tall above the surrounding buildings, the cathedral tower has had a tumultuous history and has had many incarnations.The original spire of the Cathedral was blown down in a storm in 1316. The following year the Cathedral was set on fire during the Bruce Wars and many precious objects were looted in the confusion. Following… Read more »

17th Century Cathedral xxx

The Cathedral’s experiences of the 17th Century provide an interesting insight into this turbulent period in Irish History. The Cathedral had endured a period of uncertainty in the 16th Century, as the British monarchy continued to deal with the repercussions of the Reformation. On taking to the throne, Edward VI (son of Henry VIII and… Read more »

Military history at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral xxx

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral has many reminders of Ireland’s violent past. It is home to monuments of men and women who died in wars all over the world and also serves as a burial place for a small number of soldiers. It is the venue for the annual Remembrance Sunday Service at which the Irish President… Read more »

The Knight’s of Saint Patrick xxx

The Cathedral served as Chapel to “The Most Illustrious Order of the Knights of Saint Patrick” from 1783-1869. The Choir stalls of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral once served as a Chapel to “The Most Illustrious Order of the Knights of Saint Patrick.” This organisation was founded by King George III of England in 1783. It was… Read more »

The Lady Chapel xxx

Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the beautifully restored Lady Chapel offers a glimpse into the past. In the great Cathedrals of Northern Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries it became common practice to build a chapel behind the high altar and dedicate it to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Lady Chapel of Saint… Read more »

The Cathedral Organ xxx

The earliest record of an organ in Saint Patrick’s is in 1471 when Archbishop Tregury bequeathed ‘a pair of organs’ for use in the Lady Chapel. During the next two centuries there are various records of payments to organists. Of the many organs in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, the most visually impressive must have been that… Read more »

Musical History at Saint Patricks xxx

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral has a strong musical tradition, with music playing an integral part in its daily life since its foundation in the thirteenth century. Henri de Londres (consecrated Archbishop of Dublin in 1213) created a college of sixteen vicars choral who lived within the precincts of the cathedral. Archbishop Richard Talbot (Archbishop of Dublin… Read more »

The Guinness Restoration xxx

The largest scale restoration project the Cathedral has seen, the Guinness Restoration saved the 19th century building from near certain ruin. Restoration and preservation is a constant concern for the guardians of the Cathedral, both today and in the past. By the early 19th Century, the cathedral had fallen into a state of complete disrepair…. Read more »

Conservation and Restoration xxx

A medieval building like this requires an enormous amount of care and protection to ensure its continued survival. Since its original construction the Cathedral has survived wars, revolutions, reformations, floods and fires, each event leaving its mark on the building, with several phases of restoration taking place over the centuries. Each restoration has added a new… Read more »

The Tree of Remembrance xxx

This barren tree seeks to remember all those who have been affected by conflict, anywhere in the world. In honour of the World War One centenary, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral unveiled the Tree of Remembrance, the first new war monument in approximately 50 years. While most war monuments in the Cathedral are glamorised and chiefly remember… Read more »