Month: February 2018

Adoriamo la pizza xxx

A slightly belated Christmas treat for our girl choristers! Looks like it was worth the wait.

Girl Choristers first evensong xxx

Since their foundation in September 2016, the girl choristers (the newest addition to the Cathedral Choir) have been gradually finding their feet (and their voices) joining regularly with the boy choristers including on the new CD which is about to be released in April. On the 23 March, the girls will be venturing out on… Read more »

Choristerships available for September 2018 xxx

We are currently on the lookout for the next generation of choristers and have 10 such places for children (boys & girls) to join the 3rd class this September. These choristerships open up a world of opportunities and experiences to children aged 7-14 and include performing on a professional level on a daily basis (in… Read more »

Lent, Passiontide and Easter at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral xxx

Lent is a period of self-examination, reconciliation, self-denial and prayer, culminating in Holy Week when we reflect on Christ’s suffering and death, and Easter when we celebrate the gloriously risen Christ. We invite you to join us for prayer and thanksgiving this holy season. For details of services throughout Lent, Holy Week & Easter click… Read more »

Prayers On The Move xxx

An exciting new ecumenical campaign, Prayers on the Move, which encourages everyone to give prayer a go, will run in Dublin for four weeks from February-March 2018. To celebrate the arrival of this exciting campaign in Dublin, St Patrick’s Cathedral are hosting a launch event on Sunday 25 February at 4.30pm, after 3.15pm Evensong. All… Read more »

Social Knitting Sessions xxx

In partnership with The Constant Knitter,we are hosting a series of knitting classes where participants will produce items to display and the give as a gift to visitors throughout the week of Saint Patrick’s Festival. These classes will take place every Tuesday afternoon from 14.00 – 16.00 from 13th February to 13th March 2018 and… Read more »