A Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Christmas

  • Concert
  • Wed 18 Dec
  • 19.30-21.15
  • Premium €50 (€40), Nave €35 (€30)

Join us for an enchanting evening of seasonal music at our annual Christmas concert given by Choristers and Lay Vicars of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Choir & Orchestra, directed by Stuart Nicholson, with Jeffrey Ledwidge (bass) & RTÉCO Principal Harpist Geraldine O’Doherty.

Programme includes a veritable feast of Christmas classics including music from Handel’s Messiah, Britten’s Ceremony of Carols & Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on Christmas Carols. There will also be carols for the audience to join in and raise the roof with (accompanied by David Leigh on the Cathedral’s mighty Willis organ, all 4,000 or so pipes of it), and seasonal readings from our very own Bryan Dobson.

So why not come and join us for a wonderful feast of festive music, performed with a seasonal dose of Christmas cheer by this renowned choir.