Let’s Draw Lugs! Kids Cartoon Workshop (Culture Date with Dublin 8)

  • Family events
  • Sat 10 May
  • 14:00
  • Free to Attend
  • Booking opens 1pm Wednesday 9th April
‘Lugs Branigan’  is Gill Books’ new children’s history about the crime-fighting adventures of famous policeman from The Liberties.  At Sat 10th May join author and illustrator Aidan for ‘Lets Draw Lugs!’ a cartooning workshop in  St Patrick’s Cathedral. Aidan will show you how to draw Dublin’s toughest cop and his arch enemies, the Animal Gang. In between illustration demos, Aidan will tell you the true history behind the Dublin legend. You’ll also learn how books get written and illustrated and master the skills to make your own Lugs Branigan Comic!
Paper and pencils supplied or bring your own sketchpad.
Parents must stay for the duration of the workshop.