21st International Symposium on Jonathan Swift

  • Sat 14 Oct
  • 14:00
  • Free
  • Text your interest to 087 9125138

 2.00pm – 5.00pm, Saturday 14 October 2023

Venue: Chapter Room, Christ Church Cathedral

(NB Please note the change from our normal venue)





Professor Greg Lynall, University of Liverpool

“Science, empire and Observation in Gulliver’s Travels


Dr. Rebecca Barr, Cambridge University

“Swift, Hogarth and contemporary permacrisis”


Dr. Michael Griffin, University of Limerick

“Jonathan Swift in the poetic apprenticeship of Oliver Goldsmith”


Dr. Ruth Menzies,  Université d’Aix-Marseille

“Tory journalism and the secret Tory: two recent avatars of Lemuel Gulliver”



Dr. James Ward, Ulster University



Prof. Robert Mahony, Catholic University, Washington


To reserve place at the symposium please text; 087 9125138