Bach – St Matthew Passion (11/4/25)

  • Music
  • Fri 11 Apr
  • 19.30
  • 10-55


Director Peter Whelan | Evangelist Nicholas Mulroy

Irish Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Choristers of St Patrick’s Cathedral

Soloists Hilary Cronin, Aisling Kenny, Hugh Cutting, Helen Charlston, Laura Lamph, Christopher Bowen, Edward Grint, William Gaunt

Tickets: €10 – €55

The Irish Baroque Orchestra and Choir invite you to join us in the collective act of listening, as we present Bach’s astonishing St Matthew Passion.

Sung in German, with a translation provided, this rendering of the passion story during Lent provides an all-encompassing experience which moves the heart and nourishes the soul.

“quite simply the most moving and high-level performance of Bach’s St Matthew Passion I’ve ever heard” David Nice (2024)

Doors for this event open at 7.00pm. Total running time appox. 3 hours including interval.

Please note that Community Beneficiary (ACCESS) tickets are available for public purchase, and these will be donated to members of the wider Dublin community through our partners at Ukrainian Action.

Please note that no refunds are possible within 7 days of the performance.

The Irish Baroque Orchestra receives principal funding from the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and is a resident organisation of the National Concert Hall, Dublin.