Gulliver’s Travels Family Storytelling

  • Sat 25 Nov
  • 10:30
  • €9.00 per child. Plus 1 Adult FREE

Led by theatre maker Alice Coghlan in the character of a sailor onboard Lemuel Gulliver’s ship, this family workshop, uses theatre, song and storytelling to bring children and their families into the world of Gulliver’s Travels. First we are ship wrecked in the land of the tiny Lilliputians where Gulliver is twelve times taller than everyone! After Gulliver escapes with his eyes we set sail to Brobdingnag the land of the giants, where Gulliver survives being abducted by giant monkeys, dogs and eagles! Developed for by Alice Coghlan for the Swift and Vanessa Festival at Celbridge, this interactive family workshop will entrance children with Swift’s fantasy and make their grown-ups laugh at his wit.

Suitable for ages 6+


Alice Coghlan directed, adapted and rewrote Jonathan Swift’s Gullivers Travels for the stage for Mermaid Arts Centre 2010 when her theatre company Wonderland Productions were resident there. Gulliver’s Travels then toured Ireland.

Following this,  she became a tour guide and arts event leader at St Patrick’s mental Health Hospital, for patients, staff and the public,  specialising in Jonathan Swift. This visionary institution in Dublin 8 is the second oldest mental health hospital in the world and was founded by Swift in his will. This work in turn lead on to her commission to write and direct the Jonathan Swift Audio Walk for the Jonathan Swift Festival and St Patrick’s Cathedral in 2019.

Together with the actor Damien Devaney, who has long played Jonathan Swift to her tour guide, she is delighted to be asked back to St Patrick’s Cathedral to share more about the remarkable man Swift was with adults and children.

Useful links

Our Gulliver’s Travels