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Plastic Snake in Saint Patrick’s

March 15, 2019  Posted in: News, Uncategorised

As a community response to the environmental challenge that presents itself as the ‘snake of our time’ we commenced an initiative with the support of Dublin City Council to address the sheer volume of single use plastic consumed daily.  Where better to begin than with our young people?!

Artist & lead facilitator, Annie Holland engaged young pupil in three locations in Dublin 8: Francis Street C.B.S., YMCA, Aungier Street & C.M.S. Learning Centre to collect the single use plastic they use daily and collectively build a large snake.  Throughout the engagement the participants discussed and explored the issues related to the volumes of plastic, and how they can best address and reduce this kind of waste filling our oceans and landfill sites.

Alongside this series of activity sessions, composer Eoghan Desmond created a piece of music to articulate the messages from the young people.

On April 4th 2019 a dramatic performance will be choreographed and the snake will wind its way through the Nave of Saint Patrick’s, carried aloft by the creators with pupils from surrounding schools singing the lyrics – metaphorically banishing the snake from our communities and then presenting solutions to the gathered audience.

As the snake moves from West to East, it will be brought to the Lady Chapel where it will be hung from the pillars above the heads of those who will visit the exhibition of images that will hang in the space.

‘For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.’ Colossians 1:16-17

Together we can address the scourge of plastic pollution and more consciously choose the products we use to safeguard the earth for future generations.

Eoghan Desmond’s composition will be available as a PDF for those who wish to access it – please email community@stpatrickscathedral.ie

To book your free seat at this performance please click here

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